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Fertile Grounds is the powerful story of loss, grief, healing, and connection. This world premiere community-based play, written by Katie Ka Vang, invites the audience onto a BIPOC farming cooperative to explore the relationship of grief, community, and wellness. Fertile Grounds shares stories of land stewards, healers, and people in our community seeking meaningful avenues for healing and health.

Audience advisory: Please note that this play contains mature themes of death of a loved one and grief, as well as exploration of one's relationship to or disconnection from land

Fertile Grounds is now available to view online! Click the link below to stream the play. If you watch the play, please consider making a donation to Civic Ensemble in lieu of a ticket.

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a community-based play
Directed by Carley Robinson

Fertile Grounds was produced by Civic Ensemble June 2-11, 2023 at the Soil Factory and at the Community School of Music & Arts

Felicia Whatley as Audia
Della Keahna as Esme
Misko Keahna Uran as Eddie
Francine Wilson Jasper as Comfort
Sherron Brown as Billie
Yumi Asakura as Luann
Sabetha Hersini as Aleena
Gabriella da Silva Carr as Kasha
undertstudies: Adara Alston for Billie and Zadie Wang for Aleena

Stage Manager: Kassandra Melendez-Ramirez
Assistant Stage Manager: Yusef Scott-Wetherbee
Production Assistants: Amy Heffron and Grant Whitman

Producer: Julia Taylor
Producing Associate Artistic Director: Gabriella da Silva Carr
Line Producer: Sarah Plotkin
Choreographer: Megan Omohundro
Costume Designer: Carrell Johnson
Scenic Designer: Jason Simms
Props Designer: RJ Lavine
Props Builder: Gwen Daniels
Scenic Builder: Brendan Komala
Sound Designer: Nate Richardson
Prayer Tree artist: Tahila Mintz
Graphic Designer: Terrance Vann
Community Engagement Associate: Osae Adadey

Thank you to our production sponsors and grantmakers!

Fertile Grounds was developed with support from the Network of Ensemble Theaters and the Playwrights' Center.

Support for this production also comes from:

The MAP Fund, supported by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, Howard Gilman Foundation, and the Mellon Foundation. 

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This project was made possible in part by a grant from the Tompkins County Tourism Program.

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This program is made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.

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This program is made possible in part through the Community Arts Partnership’s “Grants for Arts Program,” with funds from Tompkins County.

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© 2021 by Civic Ensemble

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